
About me

I am a passionate travel blogger, dedicated to capturing the awe-inspiring wonders of Japan and sharing my adventures with the world.

Having spent time in Kyoto and the US, I have had the privilege of traveling to numerous countries and exploring all the prefectures of Japan. My current focus lies in visiting small, picturesque islands. During my time as a university student in Kyoto, I had the wonderful opportunity to host backpackers from around the globe and guide them on tours of the city.

My favorite countries I visited
Iceland, Germany, Swiss, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Italy, Austria,Thailand, Indonesia, South Korea, HongKong, US
My favorite prefectures in Japan
Okinawa, Kagoshima, Miyazaki, Kumamoto, Fukuoka, Kochi, Kyoto, Nara, Wakayama, Gifu, Shizuoka, Nagano, Yamanashi, Fukushima, Miyagi, Hokkaido

My Profession

In my professional life, I thrive as a digital marketer with specialized expertise in the mobility and automotive sector. Combining my passion for travel with my love for discovering the beauty of nature, I find immense joy in showcasing the wonders of Japan through my online presence.

Furthermore, my love for connecting with people led me to embark on a career as a recruitment consultant. With a deep-rooted passion for the automotive industry, particularly in Tokyo, I dedicated myself to listening to job seekers and helping them navigate their career paths.

Eventually, my enthusiasm for marketing drove me to transition into a marketing role, where I could channel my energy into promoting the automotive sector.

Join me as I continue to explore Japan’s hidden gems, share captivating travel tales, and utilize my expertise as a digital marketer to engage with fellow travel enthusiasts and automotive enthusiasts alike.

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